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AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor Instruction Manual


Product link: AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor

1. Feature

  • Compatible with Worldwide LoRaWAN® Networks: Support the universal frequency plan from 863MHz ~928MHz;

  • Long Range: At least 2km in urban scenes and 5 km in line of sight scenes.

  • Battery& Working time: Sensor hardware& firmware detailed designed for power control, with 2 pcs common AAA battery, working time at least 2 years.

  • Simple to Use: Provides LoRaWAN® DEV EUI/ APP EUI/ APP Key, enabling users to finish configuration in a few steps.

  • Cost-effective: With Makerfabs’ strong ability on production, we make this product cost-effective to users, for mass implement in field applications such as farm/greenhouse, etc.

  • Downlink: Support downlink to modify the time interval (5min-1440min).

  • LoRaWAN version: LoRaWAN Specification 1.0.3.

2. Product model:

  • AgroSense_Barometric Pressure Sensor LoRaWAN® Barometric Pressure.png

  • AgroSense_Light Intensity Sensor LoRaWAN® light.png

  • AgroSense_Air Temperature and Humidity Sensor_AHT20 LoRaWAN® Air th.png

  • AgroSense_Temperature and Humidity Sensor_SHT31 LoRaWAN® Sht31.png

  • AgroSense_RTD PT1000 Temperature Sensor LoRaWAN® QQ截图20241016100603.png

  • AgroSense Soil Moisture Sensor LoRaWAN® QQ截图20241016100510.png

  • AgroSense-carbon dioxide(CO2) sensor LoRaWAN® QQ截图20241016100658.png

  • AgroSense_Positioning Water Leak Sensor LoRaWAN® Positioning Water.png

  • AgroSense_None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Sensor LoRaWAN® NonePosition.png

3. Usage

Step1:Battery Installation Open the product case, and insert two AAA batteries into the battery compartment. Press button Useror RST, if the LED does not light up, please check if the battery is dead and needs to be replaced or if the battery is installed backward. If LED flashes then the device is successfully powered up.


Step2:Server Configuration

Ensure your gateway works fine, and connect AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor to the IoT Server.

Step3: wall-mounted use

Tighten the screws on the four corners of the case after putting the cover on, Wall mounting the product for use.


4. TTN and ThingSpeak

4.1 TTN configuration

  • Open The Things Network and register an account.
  • Select the correct region. 1、console.jpg 2、select 868915.jpg

  • Create new application. 3、create app.jpg

  • Enter your Application ID, and click "Create application" 4、enter app id.jpg

  • Click "+ Register end device" 5、add device.jpg

  • Choose "Enter end device specifics manually"

  • Select the three options as shown in the image below.(Take 868 for example)
  • Enter you joinEUI, DevEUI, Appkey data.

Notice: On the AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor label, you can get DVE EUI, APP EUI, APP KEY data. Enter them in "Provisioning information" correctly.

AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor label <--> Provisioning information
APP EUI <--> JoinEUI
APP KEY <--> AppKey

2.868.png 12. register end1.png

  • Press AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor's Botton User and wait a few seconds after led flashes, if you find that led flashes a second time, it proves that the network connects successfully. 8、ttn connect ok.jpg

4.2 Payload formatters

Navigate to Payload formatters, select Formatter type to Custom Javasript formatter, Then select the type of product and copy the following code:


4.3 Parsing data

After the TTN acquires the data, please parse the data according to the data format to obtain the sensor data.

4.3.1 AgroSense_Barometric Pressure Sensor

17、decode press.png bp_d.png

Example: 0x00, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x9A, 0x7E, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.8 V.

  • Atmospheric pressure is 101249.70 Pa

4.3.2 AgroSense_Light Intensity Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x03, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0xD4, 0x00, 0x00

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9V.

  • Light Intensity is 89.16 lx

4.3.3 AgroSense_Air Temperature and Humidity Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x04, 0x1D, 0x01, 0x89, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x00

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9V.

  • Humility is 39.3%

  • Temperature is 24.8 ℃.

4.3.4 AgroSense Temperature and Humidity Sensor_SHT31


Example: 0x00, 0x04, 0x1D, 0x01, 0x89, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x00

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9V.

  • Humility is 39.3%

  • Temperature is 24.8 ℃.

4.3.5 AgroSense_RTD PT1000 Temperature Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x03, 0x1D, 0x00, 0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9V.

  • Industrial Temperature is 18.4 ℃

4.3.6 AgroSense Soil Moisture Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x08, 0x05, 0xC7, 0x1E

Data parsing:

  • Soil ADC value is 1479.

  • Battery voltage is 3.0V.

4.3.7 AgroSense-carbon dioxide(CO2) sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x01, 0x28, 0x02, 0x06

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 4.0V.

  • CO2 is 518 ppm

4.3.8 AgroSense_Positioning Water Leak Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x03, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9 V.
  • water leakage symbol is 0.(Normal state)
  • Number of leaks is 2.
  • Length of last leak is 3s.

4.3.9 AgroSense_None-Position Rope Type Water Leak Sensor


Example: 0x00, 0x03, 0x1D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03

Data parsing:

  • Battery voltage is 2.9 V.
  • water leakage symbol is 0.(Normal state)
  • Number of leaks is 2.
  • Length of last leak is 3s.

4.4 Data Parsing to ThingSpeak

1.1 Create a Channel: - Log in to ThingSpeak.
- Click on “My Channels”.
- Click on “+ New Channel”.
- Fill in the Channel name and field names (e.g., Field1: Temperature, Field2: Humidity).
- Click on “Save Channel”.


1.2 Obtain the Write API Key:

  • Open the newly created Channel.
  • Click on the “API Keys” tab.
  • Copy the “Write API Key”.


2.1 Configure Payload Formatter:

  • In the device details page, click on the “Payload Formatters” tab.
  • Click on the “Uplink” tab.
  • Select “Custom JavaScript Formatters”.
  • Write JavaScript code to parse the binary data sent from the device.
  • Finally click "Save changes".


2.2 Configure Webhooks:

  • In the application page, click on the “Integrations” tab.
  • Select “Webhooks”.
  • Click on “+ Add webhook”. 11、add webhook.jpg

  • Choose the “ThingSpeak” template.

  • Fill in the following information and click on “Create ThingSpeak webhook”.
Webhook ID <--> Any unique ID
Channel ID <--> Your ThingSpeak Channel ID
API Key <--> Your ThingSpeak Write API Key

12、create webhook.jpg

  • Press AgroSense LoRaWAN® Sensor's Botton User , you will successfully see the data in Thingspeak. 13、thingspeak ok.jpg

5. Datacake

1、Login datacake or Create Account. 27、datacake login.png

2、Click “Add Device”. 28、create device.png

3、Select LoRaWAN and click “Next”. 29、selsct lorawan.png

4、Select a Product based on your needs, take "Create new empty product" as an example. 30、prj name.png

5、Select “Datacake LNS”. 31、datacake.png

6、Enter DEVEUI、APPEUI、APPKEY、FREQUENCY and DEVICE CLASS. 32、appdui.png 33、class.png

7、Choose the type according to your needs, and click “Add 1 device”. 34、free.png

8、Click to go to the device you just added. 35、th.png

9、Click “Configuration”, enter Decoder and click “Save”. 36、save.png 36、save1.png

10、Follow the steps to add a field. 37、add field.png 12、add feild all.png

11、Press RST button, wait until the sensor connects to the gateway successfully, you will see the data the sensor is currently reading. 38、fields.png

12、To get a better look at the data, we can add widget. Click “Dashboard-->switch-->+ Add Widget”. 39、add widget.png

13、Select “Value” and set Title, Field and presentation form as well as the interval color. 40、value.png 41、save.png

14、Select Chart and set Title, Field, Kind, Line Thickness and click “save”. 42、chart.png 42、chart1.png

15、Select Device Fields, check “Fields” and click “Save”. 43、device fields.png

16、Click the switch to save, and you can see the data visually. 44、datacake ok.png

AgroSense devices support adjusting the time interval using downlink. Here's a guide to using downlink at TTN and Datacake.

6.1 TTN

  • Click “Payload formatters-->Downlink” and follow the steps.

Formatter code you can find in Github.

ttn downlink.png

  • Click “Save changes”.

10、click save changes.jpg

  • Click “Messaging-->Schedule downlink”.

Note: you must use this format:

  "minutes": 5


  • The modified interval will be updated after the next data upload.

6.2 Datacake

  • Click “Configuration-->Fields-->+Add Field”.

Sending Time Interval.png

  • Click ”Downlink-->Add Downlink”. downlink.png

Enter name、description、fields used and payload encoder respectively.

Name: Set User-Defined Sending Time Interval.

Description: Set the user-defined report transmission interval and store it in the configuration variable.(5Min-1440Min).

Payload Encoder: copy in Github.

downlink set.png

  • Click “Dashboard-->switch-->+ Add Widget”.

15、add widget.png

  • Select “Downlink” and setting as follow image.

downlink basic.png

downlink data.png

  • Click the switch to save, and you can click to change your time Interval.


time set.png

7. Resource


AgroSense LoRaWAN Sensor Catalogue