Matouch 1.28 DevKit
1. Introduction
2. Arduino IDE
- Install the Arduino IDE V1.8.19/V2.3.4 If you haven’t installed the ESP32 Board SDK yet, follow the steps in this guide to get started quickly.
For the ESP32-S3 Development board version, we recommend using versions that have been verified, such as 3.0.7, which is more stable, and less prone to errors.
Note: Different computers may have different port numbers when connecting to a development board. Please select the correct port number based on the development board you are connecting to.
3. Usage
Please download the relevant driver libraries before using these demos.
Download the library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
Note: All kit work requires the involvement of the ESP32S3 Controller, and all of the following routines are programmed by burning code into the ESP32S3 Controller.
Before uploading the code, please set the parameters of the tools as shown in the picture below.
3.1 RGB Matrix Panel Driver
Hardware Connection:
Use the cable to connect the left side of the arrow to the expansion board.
The red wire is connected to the 5v of the expansion board, and the black wire is connected to the GND of the expansion board.
1.Download the SD card file from github and save it to the SD card.
Note: You can only save in the first directory, you can't create a folder to save in.
2.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
3.Open the LED_Screen by Arduino IDE.
4.Install ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA Display library v3.0.11
5.Install AnimatedGIF library v2.1.1
6.Install Adafruit GFX Library v1.11.11
7.Install Adafruit BusIO library v1.16.2
8.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
9.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
3.2 RGB LED Strip Driver
1.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
2.Open the RGB_LED_Strip by Arduino IDE.
3.Install Adafruit NeoPixel library v1.12.3
4.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
5.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
3.3 Relay with 8 channels
1.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
2.Open the Relay_8_Channel by Arduino IDE.
3.Install RTClib v2.1.4
4.Install Adafruit BusIO v1.16.2
5.Install ESP32Time v2.0.6
6.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
7.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
3.4 Step Motor Driver
1.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
2.Open the Step_Motor by Arduino IDE.
3.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
4.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
3.5 DC Dimmer
1.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
2.Open the DC_Driver by Arduino IDE.
3.Install Adafruit BusIO v1.16.2
4.Install Adafruit INA219 v1.2.3
5.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
6.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
3.6 AC Dimmer
1.Download the ui library from github.
Once the download is complete, copy these libraries into the Arduino library.
- The default is usually in the "C:\Users\Your username\Documents\Arduino\libraries"
2.Open the AC_Dimmer by Arduino IDE.
3.Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC.set the parameters of the tools.
4.Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
4. FAQ
You can list your questions here or contact for technology support. Detailed descriptions of your question will help to solve your question.