Matouch ESP32-S3 Parallel TFT with Touch 5"
1. Introduction
2. Features
- Controller: ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, PCB Antenna, 16MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM, ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8
- Wireless: Wifi& Bluetooth 5.0
- LCD: 5 inch High Lightness IPS
- Resolution: 800*480
- LCD interface: RGB 24bit
- Touch Panel: 5 Points Touch, Capacitive
- Touch Panel Driver: GT911
- USB: Dual USB Type-C(one for USB-to-UART and one for native USB)
- USB to UART Chip: CP2104
- Power Supply: USB Type-C 5.0V(4.0V~5.25V)
- Button: Flash button and reset button
- Mabee interface: 1I2C;1GPIO
- MicroSD: Yes
3. Arduino IDE
- Install the Arduino IDE V1.8.19/V2.3.4 If you haven’t installed the ESP32 Board SDK yet, follow the steps in this guide to get started quickly.
For the ESP32-S3 Development board version, we recommend using versions that have been verified, such as 2.0.16, which is more stable, and less prone to errors.
Note: Different computers may have different port numbers when connecting to a development board. Please select the correct port number based on the development board you are connecting to.
4. Usage
1.Install Arduino_GFX_Library V1.3.1
- Click “Tools> Manager Libraries” to search for and install Arduino_GFX_Library.
2.Install TAMC_GT911 V1.0.2
- Click “Tools> Manager Libraries” to search for and install TAMC_GT911.
4.1 Display and Touch test
This is a simple demo for displaying and interacting with a touch screen, displaying the touch coordinates (X, Y) on the screen and randomly switching the background colour on each touch.
- Open the display_and_touch_test by Arduino.
Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC, and select the development board "ESP32S3 Dev Module" and the port.
Select "Tools > board:"xxx" > ESP32 Arduino > ESP32S3 Dev Module".
Select "Tools > Port",Select the port number of the board.
Select Flash Size is 16MB(128MB), Partition Scheme is 16M Flash (3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS), PSRAM is OPI PSRAM.
- Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
4.2 SD test
This demo implements the ability to switch images by touch.
1.Download the SD card file from github and save it to the SD card.
2.Install JPEGDEC V1.2.7
- Click “Tools> Manager Libraries” to search for and install JPEGDEC.
- Open the SD_demo by Arduino.
Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC, and select the development board "ESP32S3 Dev Module" and the port.
Select "Tools > board:"xxx" > ESP32 Arduino > ESP32S3 Dev Module".
Select "Tools > Port",Select the port number of the board.
Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
4.3 LovyanGFX demo
This demo uses lovyanGFX library to implement the screen display and touch functions.
Install LovyanGFX V1.2.0
- Click “Tools> Manager Libraries” to search for and install LovyanGFX.
- Open the LovyanGFX_demo by Arduino.
Use Type-C USB cable to connect the board and PC, and select the development board "ESP32S3 Dev Module" and the port.
Select "Tools > board:"xxx" > ESP32 Arduino > ESP32S3 Dev Module".
Select "Tools > Port",Select the port number of the board.
Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait for the code to upload.
Open the serial monitor and you will be able to see the coordinates of your finger touches
5. FAQ
You can list your questions here or contact for technology support. Detailed descriptions of your question will help to solve your question.